Monday, December 3, 2007

Controversy... I welcome it!!!

The Golden Compass has been the topic of much controversy lately. I saw a group on Facebook that a number of my "Facebook" friends were joining. This group was called "Don't support the 'Golden Compass'". I decided to check this out. This group is blowing up with around 2,000 people joining everyday. The author of the group, a Freshman in high school, states that the book is about "Killing God". Well this tickled my curiosity so I researched it for myself, something Christians should do more of. I read all about the author, Philip Pullman. What I gathered from everything I heard him say is that he is NOT against God. He doesn't care if people believe in God or not. What he is against are Christians and organized religion. Not unlike me. I'm not the biggest fan of Christians, and I am one. Most Christians don't act like Jesus. They act like Humans. His book trilogy does end in the last book with God dying. I'm not sure if this is meant as our Christian "God of Abraham", but I doubt that is said in the movie. He is a self proclaimed atheist, and agnostic. He doesn't believe in God and maybe trying to undermine Christian beliefs nevertheless I will see this movie. I don't think that someone can come outright and sell a movie that kills God. Our nation is one that most believe in God and that just won't fly. I don't think kids will draw that from this movie. I will watch it to find out and will blog after I do.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

My favorite show...

I can't get enough of Scrubs. I can't wait till they come out with that Giant box of every single show for like 200 bucks, cause I will buy it. My favorite thing is Dr. Cox' rants. This video is a good one to give you one of his best rants and a little dose of every character. Dr. Cox' wife/girlfriend is also one of my favorites but she is not featured in this little rant. Great show!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Church and State??

It's that time again, and has been for sometime. So what do you think. Most of you know I'm a hippie liberal, or maybe you didn't. I'm not so far left that I agree with this picture I posted, but it is funny so please don't be offended. Well actually you can be... remember... my blog... shut up!! Now the disclaimer is out of the way, let's get down to business. I really agree with good 'ole Dave Lipscomb on this one. I think Christians have a higher purpose than politics. Jesus told us to pay taxes and follow the law. That's about all I know. I'm not the most learned on this subject, but my inner feeling is that church should be separate from state. I say this not to say that God should be left out completely, I'm just saying that your "religion" shouldn't be the only thing that drives you. I think love should drive you no matter what. I think too many dilemmas would come from being a Christian politician. War is an obvious one. I'm not sure as a Christian I would feel good about commanding the death of ANYONE. God sent people to war in the OT but he is GOD!!! I don't feel comfortable making that decision. Also just everyday honesty is not conducive to our political system. This is just the way I feel. I think Christians have a better things to do. Moral's belong in politics, don't get me wrong, but we shouldn't want to force God on anyone. He wouldn't want that. Kid's can still pray in school. Tell your kids that prayer is in school and it's against rules for teachers to stop them. No one that works for the state can establish religion, or unestablish it. That isn't a word. So be mad at me, agree with me, and I may have gone way overboard. My only problem with Christians is that they don't find out for themselves. I got so mad at people when I was at OC because if you didn't vote for Bush you were a sinner, but no one explained why they did vote for him other than gay marriage, abortion, and the fact that John Kerry is a PUTZ. The latter was actually the best reason. Find out things for yourself people. You are such sheep. You will follow anyone that has a goody in front of you. Follow Jesus, that is the shepherd we should follow, but find out things for yourself. Don't conform to things that others do especially other Christians. Jesus is the way. I'm so random. I'm not even on the original subject... shut up!!


Monday, November 26, 2007

Houston Nutt

Well he is gone. As most of you know, I am a gigantic Arkansas Razorback Fan. I am not a Houston hater, on the contrary, I am a fan of his. I didn't agree with everything he did, but when was the last time you agreed with EVERYTHING a coach of 10 years has done. I thought it showed a lot of character that he resigned. He said he wanted the Razorback community to be united and he didn't think that could happen while he was coach. How terrible are we Razorback fans that we run off a coach that is the biggest fan we have? It is rumored that he would take the job at Ole Miss. I guess we'll get to see how big of a fan he really is. I don't think he would take a job at another SEC school, but I'm not 100% sure. I wish the best for Coach Nutt and his family. On the other side of things, the Hogs have to find a new coach. I heard on ESPN today that Butch Davis and Tommy Tubberville are options. Well am fairly certain both of them extended their contracts with their current schools. It looks like we will have to fight for a coach. In the meantime Reggie Herring, our D-Coordinator is taking over. I think we have a good overall crew and they will do well. GO HOGS!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Departed

This is a great movie. I don't suggest it for the younger folk or the weak stomach, but if you are able to watch a movie and be impervious to the profanity and violence you should watch this one. I thought everyone was gonna get shot in everything I watched after seeing this movie. I'm telling you, Mickey Mouse would not be safe in this one. It is a twisted plot that keeps you confused. Even if you figure out what happens you still can't believe it. So check this one out. Scorsese deserved the Oscar for this one. I am a big movie buff, and if I say it's good you should listen to me.


Friday, November 16, 2007


We are finally home!!! It's really nice to be back. This was a special trip that really was a lot of fun. Brazil is a beautiful country and I hope everyone gets a chance to visit someday. This is not a long post for I am tired and hungry for American food. Beleza....(Portuguese hip word used as a greeting, salutation, or just to say that everything is cool... the literal translation is "beauty")


Tuesday, November 13, 2007


With me being away from home and so close to Thanksgiving, I've been thinking a lot about family. My family means so much to me. We are so close. My extended family is really close as well. We always look forward to seeing each other on holidays and having fun. Those of you that know me well know I like to make fun of you. I would say this stems from my family, especially because all of the flack I caught for my Bolton post came from my immediate family. We all love each other and support one another through everything. I just want to thank my family, and now my new family that I gained when I was married. I thank you for being my rock. Thanks for always supporting me and keeping me honest by poking fun at me. I love all of you. Especially my wife. She has been so supportive of me already even when I have to leave her. I couldn't have asked for a better wife and family. I love all of you. To my readers... both of you... that aren't my family. Make sure to tell your family how important they are to you. Still a Bolton fan Dad!!!!


Sunday, November 11, 2007


We have been doing a lot of flying in Brazil. It has all been fine, all but one questionable hard landing. It was safe, just uncomfortable. I still can't help but think that the more times we fly, the more chance we have to crash, but statistics tell a different story. In 2000, the world's commercial jet airlines carried approximately 1.09 billion people on 18 million flights, while suffering only 20 fatal accidents. In the United States, it's 22 times safer flying in a commercial jet than traveling by car, according to a 1993-95 study by the U.S. National Safety Council. The study compares accident fatalities per million passenger-miles traveled. The number of U.S. highway deaths in a typical six-month period -- about 21,000 -- roughly equals all commercial jet fatalities worldwide since the dawn of jet aviation four decades ago. In fact, fewer people have died in commercial airplane accidents in America over the past 60 years than are killed in U.S. auto accidents in a typical three-month period.
  • U.S. traffic accident fatalities in 2000 -- 41,800
  • Commercial airplane fatalities in 2000 -- 878
It's still tough for me not to cringe every time we hit turbulence. I also can't help but think I'm gonna be one of those 878 that is gonna die. This is human nature. We like to freak out when the littlest things go wrong. Either way we continue to get on the plane. Pray for Acappella on our many flights here in Brazil and in the U.S.


Saturday, November 10, 2007


I’m not sure I could really be one. The experience of Brazil has led me to understand that. What I don’t understand is whey we insist on putting some people on a pedestal. Why is it important to get someone to sign your shirt or take a picture with a person? I think that this stems from our human nature to want to be someone else. I hear people tell me all the time they wish they could sing too. The weird thing is that some of these people build houses, build computers, take breathtaking pictures, or are have more social skills than you could even begin to list. Why can’t we live with who we are? American society tells us that our self is not good enough. They do this as a marketing tool to make you feel bad about yourself and buy their product. “You are too fat, but if you buy our product you’ll look like a new you”. I am all for losing weight and being healthy, but it should build self –esteem. We should love who we are, and not dream of being someone we are not. If you respect a person because of the music they make or they way they act in a film, it is logical to want to get a picture with them, or have them sign something. I just don’t understand the fascination with the people who do nothing but wear fancy clothes and get themselves in trouble. Could someone explain this to me? Well… this is my rant. I’m still not sure how many are reading, but I will continue to write.


Friday, November 9, 2007

A Vocal Powerhouse

When I was growing up my mom always listened to Micheal Bolton. I always listened to him because she did. I have rediscovered him now as an adult only to realize that I really love his music. He is an amazing vocalist. His range is incredible and he's got soul like no other. He has become the butt of jokes in most circles. This is probably due to his labeling as a "No talent A$$ Clown" in the popular movie "Office Space". I really do like that movie. My point is, just take a listen to him and tell me what you think. Yeah this picture looks a little homo, but again... my blog... shut up. Peace, Love, and Bolton


Thursday, November 8, 2007


Some how I became sick here in Brazil. I fought through and we had a good concert here in Natal. This is a beautiful city on the beach, which is really making me miss my wife. I wish she could be here. It has been really tough without her and I know it has been tough for her too. Please continue to pray for us while we are apart


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Husband Tips

I know I haven't been a husband for very long and I've definitely not been the best. Nevertheless this is my blog so you can shut up. Here are some tips I've learned over the short time I've been married. This is one I may update from time to time as I learn more.

1. Try everyday to be a better husband than yesterday

2. Always think about how every decision will affect her.

3. Don't leave her alone!!! She needs you, I'm not saying all women are needy I think they WANT to need you. Also I write this as I'm separated from my wife in Brazil. (Guess how I learned this one).

4. Always remember you need her as much as she needs you, I don't care how manly you think you are.

5. Keep your eyes OFF of other women. You can always compare other women to your wife, no matter how beautiful she is or how much you love and are attracted to her. If you want to keep the attraction you have to her, she has to be the only woman you see.

6. Be the man you promised her you'd be.

I now want to be a blogger... so I'm blogging

I am a writer. Not of songs, or anything cool, but I just like to write. Some things make sense to me, but maybe not to others and sometimes it doesn't make sense to me, but either way... I will share. I hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment and tell me how random or how much of an idiot I am.
