Saturday, November 10, 2007


I’m not sure I could really be one. The experience of Brazil has led me to understand that. What I don’t understand is whey we insist on putting some people on a pedestal. Why is it important to get someone to sign your shirt or take a picture with a person? I think that this stems from our human nature to want to be someone else. I hear people tell me all the time they wish they could sing too. The weird thing is that some of these people build houses, build computers, take breathtaking pictures, or are have more social skills than you could even begin to list. Why can’t we live with who we are? American society tells us that our self is not good enough. They do this as a marketing tool to make you feel bad about yourself and buy their product. “You are too fat, but if you buy our product you’ll look like a new you”. I am all for losing weight and being healthy, but it should build self –esteem. We should love who we are, and not dream of being someone we are not. If you respect a person because of the music they make or they way they act in a film, it is logical to want to get a picture with them, or have them sign something. I just don’t understand the fascination with the people who do nothing but wear fancy clothes and get themselves in trouble. Could someone explain this to me? Well… this is my rant. I’m still not sure how many are reading, but I will continue to write.


1 comment:

Cory said...

I've thought about this celebrity thing a few times too. I think part of it is the innate need to worship something. God put it there on purpose, so that worshiping Him would be a healthy thing to do. But like so many evil things, Satan takes this beauty and perverts it. He does this by encouraging people to worship musicians, athletes, actors, or whatever category Paris Hilton fits into.